Mining Trezarcoin at CryptoScythe
Trezarcoin is a HOT and new alt coin project that began in September 2017. Its security is provided by a combination of proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) hashing. The staking side of mining is performed by open wallets holding significant balances of Trezarcoin. These balances gain "coin-weight" by aging within a wallet which allows them to provide more hashing power on the PoS side to mine blocks in the blockchain more rapidly. This PoS mining is processed on the CPU rather than GPUs and uses a similar algorithm to Bitcoin's mining algorithm, SHA256d. PoW mining is performed like other GPU mining that I've experimented with, although Trezarcoin uses a different algorithm than I have worked with before; Neoscrypt.
As I had experienced with the Ethash algorithm mining Ethereum, Neoscrypt runs differently on GTX 1070 and 1080 GPUs. The lower-cost 1070s counterintuitively achieve higher hashrates than their big brother, the GTX 1080. Thankfully the Cryptoscythe v0.3 has seven GTX 1070s, so it is an ideal rig for mining Trezarcoin, and pulls more than 8 Mh/s using CCminer.
The Miner
I began mining Trezarcoin with an older version of CCminer which was performing well, but I discovered that the latest version (8.15 as I write this) from KausT for CUDA 9 gains an edge of greater than 10%. CCminer is exclusively for Nvidia GPUs. The current version of CCminer from KlausT that I am using (8.15) can be found on his Github page. It is free to use, meaning there is no developer fee coded into the miner as with some mining software (like EWBF and Claymore). For mining Trezarcoin and other Neoscrypt algorithm alt coins on the Cryptoscythe v0.3 and its seven GTX 1070s, I have found that ramping up the memory clock speed on the GPUs between 500 and 550 helps boost the hashrate. This can be done using the GPU controller software of your choice, but I use AfterBurner from MSI, even though I am using ASUS ROG Strix GPUs in this rig.
I mentioned that this coin is hot, and that was apparent when I ran into problems maintaining stratum connection to one of the more popular mining pools offering Trezarcoin mining, Their Neoscrypt port was getting too much traffic so they had to designate a new port dedicated just to Trezarcoin (port 10002). As I wrote this, that dedicated port was not listed on their site yet but had only been released as a Tweeted "beta-test" port set up to relieve some of the pressure on the main port (port 4233). I found that the beta port was completely stable so that is what is currently written into my batch file to start the miner.
The Wallet

Trezarcoin's wallet is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It can be downloaded from Trezarcoin's Github. This wallet provides all of the typical wallet functions for sending, receiving and holding Trezarcoin. When the wallet is open and staking, it also provides coinweight and works as a node for mining blocks with the hashing power determined by the amount of Trezarcoin held there and how long it has been in the wallet. The latest version, by ghostlander, was released in September, 2017 when the project went live. For miners who like to hold the alt coins they mine rather than cashing them in on a regular basis on exchanges, Trezarcoin's PoS mining feature can be a very enticing benefit as it offers the chance for your holdings to grow. From what I have been able find in my research, while there is no set rate of interest to be earned by staking, predicted estimates suggest something around 15% per year is the expected rate of growth from PoS earnings.