Mining HUSH at CryptoScythe
HUSH is a fork of Zcash, the primary cryptocurrency using the equihash algorithm. Other popular Zcash forks include Zencash and Zclassic. HUSH was built to feature a secure private messaging, and eventually, file transfer functionality. Once referred to as Zdash and then rebranded/renamed HUSH, this cryptocurrency keeps a relatively low profile only appearing on a couple of exchanges at the time of this post. Recent changes in the core development team for HUSH raises hopes for refreshed momentum and an update to the roadmap coming soon, which includes addition on more exchanges.
The Miner
The fastest miner for Zcash and other equihash algorithm coins seems to be EWBF, and the same holds true for HUSH. EWBF works with Nvidia cards, optimally those with Pascal GPUs. If you can deal with the power requirements, GTX 1080s and 1080ti's hash through work with EWBF magnificently. The CryptoScythe v0.3 was uses GTX 1070s, which are more efficient with the watts-per-hashrate ratio, even if they are a bit slower than its two big-brother cards. I have not seen many EWBF results using the new GTX 1070ti cards, but what I have seen shows there is little or no increase in hashrate over the 1070s, but the power requirements are closer to those of GTX 1080s. In case this isn't obvious, that is not going to help the ROI on these already pricey cards.

The current version of EWBF is 0.3.4b and can be found on its Nanopool Github page. There is a 2% DevFee written into EWBF, but it is so much faster than competing miners that it is worth the tax. The 7 overclocked ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1070s in the CryptoScythe v0.3 are able to hash 3300 Sol/s after bumping the memory clock speed to 500. I probably shouldn't mention this due to the volatile nature of prices in the cryptocurrency market, but that translates to more than $16/day of revenue as I am writing this.
The Wallet

HUSH Swing Wallet UI is an easy to use wallet node (most of the time) that works on most computer operating systems and will eventually be available for mobile operating systems too. The most recent update to HUSH Swing Wallet UI appears to be version 1.0.12 and is available to download for Linux, Mac or Windows from a link on the HUSH website, If you have used Zcash4win as a Zcash wallet before, then HUSH Swing Wallet UI will look very familiar. One thing I have noticed about both of these wallets is that the earlier version 0.x.x wallets seem to have a deprication date written into them, forcing the user to update their wallet to a newer version or locking them out until they did. The update last time, in late October 2017, was not exactly an easy matter. It required uninstalling and reinstalling along with deleting and redownloading the ledger.